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Posts posted by SteezyWonder

  1. oh hey there folks, it's ya boy SteezyWonder here to make this week the best one yet.


    i thought i'd do something a little fun here and share with you some of my favourite classic hits over the course of a week, 1 day at a time to set the mood for all of you lovely beings. no matter the weather or how you may be feeling, there is a song out there to enhance your mood and make things right. it may come in the form of funky fresh beats, new school bangers or a simple timeless classic.


    so, without further adieu, lets kick the week off right and set the mood right.


    day 1.


    let me help you cure the monday blues with this feel good classic from none other than the Doobie Brothers, coming in with "Listen to the Music"



    Day 2.


    its tuesday now, the week is truly underway. let the heavenly voice of Stevie Nicks carry you through the week with Fleetwood Mac's "Everywhere"



    Day 3.


    hump day. it's been a big week so far, feels like it may never end. don't be discouraged though, you're already halfway through. let Supertramp carry you through with "Take the long way home"



    Day 4.


    today is Thursday, which means tomorrow's Friday then it's the weekend. things are looking up, you're building momentum. keep going, don't stop. "Break my stride" by Matthew Wilder will show you the way.



    Day 5.


    it's Friday bitches! you made it, end of the week. let's get fucking hyped for the weekend with this absolute gem from Aussie rock sensations ACDC, "Hell's Bells".



    Day 6.


    it's the weekend! time to chill, time to yourself, time to do as you please. This one goes out to all my Zenith homies, what's a week without a bit of the Dead. Whether you're a dead head or not, this will get the mood right. The Grateful Dead's "Fire on the Mountain".


    Day 7.


    yes, it is Sunday.. the end of our time here this week. who better to wrap up the week than the legend Jim Morrison, with The Doors hit classic, "The End".



    Thanks for tuning in this week, I sure had fun, I hope you did too. Tune in next time for another 7 days with ya boy SteezyWonder. Peace.

  2. 9 hours ago, Elve said:



    After completely demolishing Legacy all week, Banning them from the wilderness. We knew today they would be extremely broken and would need some help, Legacy invited over 40+ Invites to come help them against the mighty Zenith. We massed up 115 Zenith members to break them again.

    40+ Legacy Invites | 40+ Legacy Mains





    Zenith vs Supremacy & Legacy & Rage FT. Final Ownage Elites

    Our rivals with 30 more on capes were extremely scared to rush us 1v1, Instead we found Supremacy at corp and starting fighting them. We held a strong north side and started pushing them around when Legacy rushed. We pulled far north while both clans attempted to 2v1 us. We quickly turned around and SUP dipped. This left LY all alone, We moved the fight back to corp. Once at corp we completely took control. We moved to 18 ports and started transitioning through all the LY that came inside us. LY ran far northwest and logged out, We stayed at CA and eventually found Rage at corp. We began fighting our 3rd clan without a bank at corp. We started taking a lead when FOE rushed and Rage went to singles. We walked down and banked after clearing 3 clans.



    Zenith vs Supremacy & Legacy & Rage FT. Final Ownage Elites

    Once again we waited for our Rivals however we were met again by Supremacy at chaos alter, Then Legacy, Then Rage. We held our ground and defended our title as Kings of CA. FOE crashed and Rage pulled far north. This left only Legacy and Supremacy. With amazing movements and calling LY was forced to run to 18 ports and log and regroup. Rage & FOE returned from the north and we hit everything we could. Rage ran south behind the alter and we followed and cleared them up. We then heard LY was regrouped and rerushing. We pulled west with 70 and caught a quick bank.



    Zenith vs Final Ownage Elites FT. Supremacy

    We contacted FOE for a fight and were rushed near 18 ports, The fight was extremely even and extremely close for 20 minutes. Both clans did exceptional as the fight transitioned south towards CA. Once at CA we started turning up the anti and started transitioning through everyone we saw. The fight transitioned around CA with both clans taking short leads. Eventually after some time Supremacy crashed from the north and both clans moved north and dipped.


    Zenith vs Final Ownage Elites FT. Supremacy

    We contacted FOE for a 1v1 at GDZ and we teleported up. We defended the HUT and FOE rushed from the east. This fight was incredibly clean for 30+ Minutes. We continued to use amazing movements and calling and stayed on FOE. Both clans like before at CA did extremely well with the fight going back and forth for some time. Eventually after 30+ Minutes of fighting Supremacy crashed with their full force, Both clans ran opposite directions and ended their trips.



    Congratulations on your anniversary Supremacy!

    What the fuck was that Legacy?


    @Codi POV

    @get cooked POV














  3. 2 hours ago, Elve said:


    Most Active - Most Friendly Pure Clan

    Our rivals are extremely broken this was shown last night when they leaked our audio and it completely backfired. The Pure community has now been shown the true colors of Legacy. You have become a joke of a clan, The laughing stock of the pure community. The most broken Leadership, the oldschool runescape community has ever seen and be mindful many of us remember what a joke Corrupt Pures were. Today we massed up 105 Zenith to completely destroy Legacy again, We peaked at over 110 Zenith Pures for our Sunday trip.



    Zenith vs Legacy FT. Final Ownage Elites/Rage/Supremacy.

    We heard our rivals were about to fight after we quickly hit Fatality they logged in to multi. We quickly teleported to bandits and logged into their world in singles. We barraged west and started tbing all Legacy. We cleared up Legacy and then proceeded to hit Rage that was south. Once rage was cleared up we began fighting FOE until SUP crashed. Once SUP crashed we focused them for some time before teleporting out and catching a bank.


    Zenith vs Blunt Pures FT. Rage

    We heard BP and Rage were fighting, We knew since Rage decided to team with Legacy and bring mains that we werent going to allow it. We quickly came from the south of corp and started hitting both clans north near graveyard. We found BP first and instantly started clearing them up until they teleported, We then cleared up rage before FOE could rush, We teleported out.


    Zenith vs Onslaught FT. Blunt Pures/Damage Control

    We heard a couple clans were fighting at bandits, We logged in south and split our damage on Onslaught south and Blunt Pures north. We cleared up both clans and then DC logged in east saw us with 100 and quickly logged back out. We looted up and cleared them all up.


    Zenith vs Legacy FT. Final Ownage Elites/Rage

    We found our broken rivals at al kharid teleport spot. We knew what the intentions were to have Rage log in and try to 1v2 us quickly. However what Legacy didnt expect was that we didnt fucking care. We sent 50 Zenith north and 50 Zenith teleported on top of Legacy. Within seconds we had the east side caught in a massive 30 man clump. Within seconds 70 LY dwindled to 20, Rage logged in with 60 and we stood our ground. We cleared up Legacy and then turned our attention to rage. FOE crashed and we decided to pull west and go up the ladder.


    Zenith vs Rage FT. Final Ownage Elites

    We heard Rage was north of sperm, We came from the south and caught them perfectly within the tree lines near 26 hill. We instantly caught TBs on everyone we could. We stayed on Rage north and pushed them into singles and killed them. FOE was a little late to the party and started hitting us from the south. We turned around on FOE and fought them for some time before we heard LY was about to move and teleported to edge.


    Zenith vs Blunt Pures

    We found Blunt Pures spread east of CA, We decided to log in more east of them and hit them in the tree's. We logged in and instantly got aggressive as fuck. Within a couple seconds BP teleported out and or died. We quickly looted up everything and teleported to bank.


    Zenith vs Legacy FT. Blunt Pures

    We heard Legacy was trying to fight BP at al kharid. We quickly teleported in and started smoking both clans. We cleared up Blunt Pures and focused Legacy. Clans and crashers came but we stayed focus on Legacy. Once Legacy was cleared up we cleared everything else in the world and walked to al kharid bank.


    Zenith vs Blunt Pures FT. Onslaught/Hydra

    While we waited for our discouraged,broken,battered rivals. We heard a cluster was going on at bandit camp. We logged in east and found Blunt Pures fighting Hydra. We instantly got aggressive on BP and started clearing them up. We then turned our attention south and started fighting Hydra. Once Hydra was cleared we got rushed by Onslaught. We started barraging them west and instantly swatted them out.


    Zenith vs Irrelevant Outcasts

    After we forced Legacy to teleport out we waited around Chaos alter for a clan to rush us, to our surprised Irrelevant Outcasts teleproted up in a box of 50 people. Our teamspeak exploded. @Halp & @Hormone almost died IRL. We cleared up the remainders east that we caught tb's on. Looted up and teleported to the bank.


    Zenith vs Final Ownage Elites FT. Irrelevant Outcasts

    After Legacy ended and Rage ended, We contacted FOE for a fight at GDZ. They gladly accepted and we met at GDZ. We defended west of GDZ and foe rushed. both clans started off even. Shortly after IO crashed it became a 3 way cluster. We cleared up IO and FOE numerous times around GDZ. The fight transitioned east of GDZ toward newgate. We held south and transitioned through both clans. After awhile it became just 1 itemers, We decided to pull south and end our trip after clearing our rivals for the 5th week.


    @Codi POV





















  4. 2 hours ago, Elve said:


    Most Active - Most Friendly Pure Clan

    After we forced Legacy to leave Chaos Alter, The newly crowned Kings of CA were super excited for our P2P Sunday trip. We massed up 115 Zenith Pures and Peaked at 130 Zenith Pures. Unfortunately for us our Rivals could only muster up 70 Pures and 15 bonded mains. This is what we have reduced you too, This has been the easiest rivalry of in the history of Oldschool Runescape.



    Zenith vs Fatality FT. Apex / Blunt Pures / Final Ownage Elites

    We heard Fatality and Apex were fighting, we quickly came from the west and started blowing them up. We pulled far east and caught all the stragglers that tried to run to sperm. We cleared up both clans and moved our way back northwest. Once we went northwest to graveyard we met Blunt Pures. We caught them in massive clumps and wrapped around them, Final Ownage Elites rushed in and we cleared up BP then teleported to the bank.



    Zenith vs Rage FT. Supremacy / Final Ownage Elites

    We heard clans were trying to hit what we just cleared, So we quickly rebanked and went back to graveyard. We found Rage first and quickly got on top of them and forced them to teleport out. We found Supremacy and Final Ownage Elites. We fought Supremacy for a little bit before we forced them to teleport out. We then turned around and had a nice fight with FOE that ragged on to mossies. Once at mossies we had a strong return unit and FOE pulled east and logged.

    Zenith vs Final Ownage Elites FT. Rage

    We heard FOE was at CA. We logged in and found them fighting with Rage, We quickly got on top of both clans and started forcing them east. We pulled far east and cleared up both clans stragglers. We pulled back to CA caught a spam and went to rebank.



    Zenith vs Final Ownage Elites FT. Legacy / Blunt Pures / Apex / Irrelevant Outcasts

    We heard Legacy was about to go multi for the first time in their trip about 45 minutes into it. We quickly went to CA and ran northwest we were logged in on by FOE who instantly got in a massive box. We blew up the box and moved northeast to where Legacy was logging in. We hit them on login and started fighting every single clan. We cleared up Legacy, Then we cleared Blunt Pures, Then we cleared Apex, Then we cleared Irrelevant Outcasts.



    Zenith vs Final Ownage Elites FT. Blunt Pures

    We found FOE at CA and rushed from the north from corp. We instantly wrapped around FOE from the west and started pushing them east and north. We held the return spot and started clearing up FOE. Blunt Pures rushed from the west and we stayed for some more time. BP seemed to focus us so we teleported to edge and caught a rebank.


    Zenith vs Rage FT. Legacy

    We heard LY and Rage were trying to fight at CA, We quickly came from corp and started barraging through both clans. We instantly made LY teleport from us like the broken clan they are, We then turned around on Rage and got super aggressive on them. Within seconds we fully cleared both clans and teleported to edge.


    Zenith vs Resistance FT. Onslaught / Damage Control

    We heard some action was going down south of the palace in al kharid, We quickly logged in and started tbing and killing everything in sight. We forced every clan to run and scatter. We held south of the palace and waited. Eventually for some unknown reason Onslaught rushed us and quickly got deleted. We waited another couple minutes and then hopped out.

    Zenith vs Final Ownage Elites FT. Legacy

    We setup a fight with FOE and defended west of spider hill. We fought for some time and did extremely well. We had FOE on the verge of being cleared when Legacy rushed from the south. We quickly turned our focus on them and started pushing them far west into singles. We followed them into singles and started hitting them there. We fully cleared them up and forced them to end their trip.













  5. 6 hours ago, Elve said:


    Most Active - Most Friendly Pure Clan

    One week since we took away Legacy's only weekend trip, We were super excited to do it once again. We massed up 95 Zenith and peaked at 120 Zenith Pures for our F2P Saturday Trip. Once again we welcomed Legashits 30+ Mains. Today we proved once again that Legacy will never be able to compete with us, We are a better clan on every single aspect in game and outside of game.



    Zenith vs Legacy FT. Apex / Supremacy / Final Ownage Elites

    We waited for over 20 Minutes for Legacy to hit us, They wouldn't even with over 140 in their capes including over 60+ mains. We went to 18 ports and finally we were rushed, We held our ground and instantly starting dropping LY pures around us. Within seconds we brought the fight back even being down 30 off the start. We started focusing all their pures and eventually took a lead. Supremacy & Apex & Final Ownage elites would crash, That didnt matter we stayed on Legacy the entire time and pushed them around. Once they were almost cleared up David called a scatter and a log. We pulled west into singles not wanting to fight FOE.



    Zenith vs Rage FT. Final Ownage Elites / Supremacy / Legacy

    We defended hills hut and were logged into by Rage, We instantly started scimming north and started clearing them up. Within seconds FOE rushed and we pulled south. We started focusing both clans and eventually Rage and FOE pulled south where we would clear up the majority of rage. We started pushing FOE back north when SUP rushed. We held at sperm for some time and chased SUP & FOE west to CA. Rage and SUP fought west and we focused on FOE who went to the altar. We started pushing them north when Legacy rushed. We started fighting both clans and eventually pulled east where we cleared up all of Legacy and forced them to log out. We caught a quick bank after LY logged.



    Zenith vs Final Ownage Elites FT. Legacy

    We setup a fight with FOE and defended CA, FOE rushed from the north and we started fighting inside CA. We had amazing returns and amazing calls and the entire time we were in control. Midway through our fight Legacy rushed from the north and we switched up on intensity. Legacy thought they could grab a ez win. No today. We pulled north and started pushing Legacy all around the map. To Corp, to 18's, to Graveyard. Once they were at graveyard we had them right where we wanted. They tried to hold singles we stayed on them the entire time. We pulled east and continued to clear their pures and mains. FOE rushed from the south and LY ran into singles and logged. We pulled east and caught a bank.




    Zenith vs Final Ownage Elites FT. Legacy

    We rushed Legacy in mutli and they instantly fled to singles northwest of corp. We pulled to corp hill where we started fighting FOE for some time. We had amazing calling and snaring and took a huge lead. Every so often Legacy would muster up enough with their regroups and try to crash our fight. We would quickly escort them back into singles/edgeville. We kept fighting at corp and eventually LY left for a massive regroup. We took complete control of our fight against FOE, We pushed them south to CA and then back north to teleport spot. We fought at the entrance of CA. LY rushed with a full regroup and we pulled south to CA and then started pushing them north. Within 2 minutes LY fled back to singles. We pulled to CA and caught a fall in with 100 Pures.


    Zenith vs Final Ownage Elites FT. Legacy

    We defended CA and waited for Legacy, We knew we would end them here. We held our ground as they rushed with over 50 mains. This didnt phase us, We continued pushing and eventually took a lead on capes, Then took a lead on Pures & Mains. We kept returning and calling and piling and after 20 minutes of fighting. We spawn killed their pures for the entire time.






























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